
Updates from Whirlow

Space to Reflect (Taizé) - May 2020

You are invited to join us virtually for this month’s Space to Reflect, which would have taken place at 7pm on Sunday in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit.

We invite you to light a candle at the start, so you can get this ready before you begin. Details about accessing the event are below.

Thank you for joining us!

Join the event by:

  • Either running this powerpoint file - click on the words ‘powerpoint file’ in green to download it and then, as prompted by your software, enable any editing and content before starting the slideshow

  • Or downloading this pdf, in the same way

  • Remain online in order to hear the chants from Taizé, which open up as links from YouTube

  • These chants are very simple and repetitive, so do join in if you wish!

  • If you find the film clips do not open from either the powerpoint or the pdf file, here are the links to open in your browser at the relevant times:

  1. Clip 1 - In resurrectione tua Christe, Coeli et terra laetentur (In your resurrection Christ, Heaven and earth rejoice) for page / slide 2, click here

  2. Clip 2 - Behüte mich Gott, ich vertraue dir. Du zeigst mir den Weg zum Leben (Protect me God, I trust you. You show me the way to life) Bei dir ist freude, freude in Fülle! (With you is joy, joy in abundance!) for page / slide 5, click here

  3. Clip 3 - Nothing can ever come between us and the love of God, the love of God revealed to us in Christ Jesus for page / slide 10, click here.