
Updates from Whirlow

Tuesday Reflection, 28 April

Breakfast Invitation

The gospel accounts in the bible describe several surprise meetings between Jesus and his friends, after the crucifixion. One of these encounters with the risen Christ takes place over breakfast on the beach.

The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (La pêche miraculeuse) by James Tissot. Public domain.

You may wish to listen to Unveil my Eyes by Salt of the Sound as you prepare to pray and reflect.

Then, read this story as told in the gospel of John, Chapter 21, verses 1-14.

Imagine what might be going through the minds of Jesus’ followers as this unexpected meeting unfolds. What emotions might they - might you - experience at such a time?

They had been devastated by Jesus’ death; shocked by his first resurrection appearances. On this occasion, led by Peter, they have decided to return to something familiar – their former work as fishermen.

And there, in the middle of the everyday routine, they encounter Jesus again. Even before they recognise him, he transforms what had been a frustrating, exhausting, futile fishing trip into something rich and abundant. What might they have felt? Excitement? Energised, as they pull up the overloaded net of fish? What else?

Can you imagine the emotions of the disciples as they hear John exclaim: ‘It is the Lord!’ ?

Jesus then invites them to eat breakfast, a meal already prepared. Interested in what they are doing, he also recognises their need for rest and nourishment.

Do you trust that Jesus - one who loves you - is with you at all times, even when you don’t see or recognise him?

How are you feeling right now? If you wish, take a moment to acknowledge that this Jesus is with you. Talk to him, as you would a friend, tell him how you are feeling.

What nourishment do you need, today? In this time of lockdown, you may feel a need for spiritual, emotional and/or physical nourishment. Tell Jesus the friend about your needs. Spend some time in his loving, nourishing presence, ready to receive from him.

The three post-Easter reflections (see our blog) have invited us to reflect on encounters with the risen Jesus in a garden, in a locked room and at a place of work.

Pray for an openness to recognise Jesus’ transforming and nourishing presence with you during this ‘stay at home’ time - whether in the garden, on a walk, shut in your home, hospital room or at work.

We offer Malcolm Guite’s Poem Easter 2020, as a reminder that Jesus is, always has been, with us in the most troubling circumstances – entering into our everyday moments.

You may wish to listen to Dwell Among Us by Salt of the Sound to draw this time of reflection to a close.