Whirlow Grange Ltd - Grants
Whirlow Grange Ltd has a grant-making function.
Each year, the directors, taking account of the objects of the charity and the financial resources available to them, set aside a part of the charity’s income to make grants to individuals and corporate bodies for religious and educational purposes.
Grants to individuals are primarily for training, education, ministry development and personal formation in the field of Christian spirituality and sometimes other areas of Christian life. Grants may be made to organisations to support or provide such activities. Normally, alternative funding sources should be approached for other initiatives in ministry and mission.
If you are interested in applying for a grant, please read the details here. You can then download and complete the application form, if you so wish.
We do not normally make grants for events that have already happened or courses that have started when the Board meets. We advise you to apply as soon as possible. The deadlines for prospective grant applications are by midnight (Sunday night) on the following dates:
17th February 2025
28th May 2025
1st September 2025
10th November 2025
Grant decisions will normally be communicated within three weeks of the above deadlines.
© Whirlow Grange Ltd A Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee. Reg. No. 2236179 Registered Charity No. 701073