
Updates from Whirlow

Stories in a time of isolation: Sarah & Ed

Sarah is part of the community at Whirlow and has been rebuilding the Cairn on our front lawn. She and her son, Ed, who is brain-injured, were happy to work on it together during these quiet days. They finished it on Monday, just before rules about isolating became stricter and the Centre closed completely.

Sarah said on Tuesday: “Edward and I finished off the Cairn. In light of last night’s news, it takes on an even more precious feel.

“Ed suddenly blurted out that God always loves us, even if we don’t know it. I love my Eddie’s words of wisdom!”

Ed was ‘in his element’ helping and also decided the plants needed watering! The couple also visited the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, on what we now know was their last opportunity for some time.

“We spent the most precious few minutes and together read St Patrick’s Breast Plate, which reduced me to tears as Ed was so moved by it - and by the chapel. All in his own way but, my goodness, he always sees the true beauty of life and constantly reminds me.”

A rusty cross, almost lost against the backdrop of the garden walls, and bright daffodils summed up the emotions of the moment:

“Absolute golden gratitude to creation, and the pain of uncertainty we all have to bear right now.”

The beginnings of the new Cairn are a foundation, with stones laid out to form a cross. In time it will evolve, grow and be built upon with visitors’ prayers.

Sarah and Ed will sometimes visit the garden on their daily walk, to water the plants growing there.