
Updates from Whirlow

Closure of Whirlow Spirituality Centre

Given the most recent Government advice,  Whirlow Spirituality Centre will now close until further notice. This includes closing at those times we had planned to be open for personal prayer and reflection.

We shall continue to update this news page, our Facebook and Twitter pages. 

Like so many others, we in the Whirlow office feel sad, overwhelmed and disappointed. We are also full of hope for redemption and renewal: we will do what we can to embrace this unprecedented Lenten season in a spirit of openness to all it has to teach us.

If you need to get in touch, the office team are at present available part-time on their email addresses:

Anna -

John -

Joy -

If you need to speak to someone by phone, please call Joy on 07986 456838.

Sending our love to you, your loved ones and all those in your prayers.

Embrace scuplture image courtesy of Eric Kilby and Creative Commons