The story of two friends walking to Emmaus on the first Easter day and encountering Jesus tells us so much about discipleship. You can read the story in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24 verses 13-33.
We can imagine ourselves as one of those friends, walking away from the intensity of the past few days in Jerusalem. We would share their feelings of exhaustion and disappointment. What did it all mean? Was this the end?
A stranger joins us as we walk and helps us make sense of and process the events. When we invite him in to our house to rest and eat with us we suddenly realise that this isn’t the end but a whole new beginning.
This story invites us to commit ourselves to following Jesus in various ways.
There wouldn’t be a story at all if those friends hadn’t invited a stranger to join them on their walk and in their home.
· How might we offer hospitality to a stranger?
The stranger (Jesus) helps the friends make sense of something painful and difficult and see it in a different light.
· How might we offer accompaniment to those who are going through difficult times?
When Jesus disappears from their sight, the friends hurry back to Jerusalem to tell their friends and share the incredible good news.
· How might we share our experience or understanding of the risen Christ?
This song by John Bell encourages us to walk together in God’s way