Two Biblical women celebrating a pregnancy inspire today’s Whirlow blog, which looks for good news, reasons to be joyful and connect at the start of 2022.
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Updates from Whirlow
I thirst; I long - using Psalm 42 and learning to be be human
Yearning is a universal human experience. We each try to walk a path that lies between our being engulfed in and denying this profound longing. Today we reflect on Psalm 42, which depicts longing - beautifully - as a thirst for pure water.
Read More"Only Connect!" - (holy) invitations to listen and attend this Remembrance Weekend
We ponder an invitation to connect with others and with deep truth today, as we engage with stories from the bible, face the emotional demands of Armistice weekend and continue to grapple with responsible social distancing.
Read MorePoetry for All Saints and Souls
Today, we offer a poem about St Francis of Assisi - whose feast day was last month - and another inspired by Psalm 131, a sacred song used at Whirlow this week.
Read MoreMeasuring Up - what 'greatness' meant to Jesus.
It is difficult - if not impossible - to avoid feeling pressurised by cultural expectations. In this age of instant communication and social media influencers, we can become exhausted by invitations to compare ourselves. We want to measure up; to be the greatest in some acknowledged way. This reflection contemplates the word ‘great’ and invites you to ask what it means - to you.
Read MoreGideon's Identity Crisis: Who is God? Who am I?!
Many of us lack confidence and experience Imposter Syndrome. If we claim religious faith, this can deter us from acting on God’s call - we want to be sure we have not misheard. And that is ok. But, sometimes, as Gideon’s story teaches us, our natural feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty are really not the point.
Read MoreOlympians and the Little Children - the powerful vulnerability of Moses and Simone Biles
Many of us have been inspired by the Olympic athletes competing under challenging circumstances in Tokyo. Inspirational performances have sat comfortably alongside visible emotion and openness about mental health that is refreshing. In this reflection, we relate those testimonies to bible stories about human vulnerability.
Read MoreAre These Weeds or Flowers? A parable about the end times.
Jesus warned us against judging others - and this is almost impossible. Instinctively, human beings want to rid themselves of unpleasant news and experiences by categorising them as ‘bad’. Today’s reflection looks at a story from the Gospel of Matthew, in which we are reminded that we do not always know how to distinguish between good and evil.
Read MoreFinding Rest for the Weary
Exhortations to ‘keep calm’, ‘take care’ or just to rest are all around us. They sound so simple and inviting. But this, too, requires commitment. We invite you to give yourself the gift of taking a step towards - rather than reaching - these elusive places of calm, self-care or rest.
Read MoreWork Hard, Pray Hard - the work ethic of Jacob and Jesus.
Some of us - whether or not we call ourselves religious - grew up in family and community cultures driven by a religious ‘work ethic’. Today’s reflection looks at bible characters who might have something to say to us about both striving and letting go.
Read MoreSeriously spiritual apostles? Finding the funny in Acts Chapter 12
We might perceive scripture and the biblical characters within it as rather solemn. Today’s reflection looks at a funny (?) story about one of Christianity’s greatest heroes - an olden-day Dwayne Johnson - Simon ‘The Rock’ Peter.r.
Read MorePancakes and Missed Points
An amusing conversation about yeast, between Jesus and his friends, is our source of inspiration today. It fits happily with Shrove Tuesday next week!
Read MoreHope in Hardship this Advent
This first week in Advent, that Christian season of anticipation leading up to Christmas, often takes the theme of HOPE. Today, we reflect on what kind of hope and what kind of future we are anticipating.
Read MoreDelighted with the Trees
In the Sacred Song from which today’s reflection takes inspiration, the tree is a wonder of nature that human creatures can aspire to imitate. Spend some time reflecting on what a tree might teach you.
Read MoreNot Grasping
During a pandemic, it’s natural to feel afraid or anxious. This reflection gives us permission to remember we still have choices: we can choose to remain magnanimous and outward-looking, strengthened by faith, grace and love.
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