Home is an emotive word. There is a powerful drive in all of us to belong, to find places where we are welcome. Specific buildings or places often represent encounters with the Divine and feel like spiritual homes. But … Jesus often identified with those who had no home, and staying ‘Home’ can have negative connotations (particularly in lockdown!) Here are some thoughts for reflection.
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Updates from Whirlow
Olympians and the Little Children - the powerful vulnerability of Moses and Simone Biles
Many of us have been inspired by the Olympic athletes competing under challenging circumstances in Tokyo. Inspirational performances have sat comfortably alongside visible emotion and openness about mental health that is refreshing. In this reflection, we relate those testimonies to bible stories about human vulnerability.
Read MoreWork Hard, Pray Hard - the work ethic of Jacob and Jesus.
Some of us - whether or not we call ourselves religious - grew up in family and community cultures driven by a religious ‘work ethic’. Today’s reflection looks at bible characters who might have something to say to us about both striving and letting go.
Read MoreSeriously spiritual apostles? Finding the funny in Acts Chapter 12
We might perceive scripture and the biblical characters within it as rather solemn. Today’s reflection looks at a funny (?) story about one of Christianity’s greatest heroes - an olden-day Dwayne Johnson - Simon ‘The Rock’ Peter.r.
Read MoreEnding Well
Transitions and goodbyes are unsettling and at times very painful. We need to allow ourselves to process feelings and shocks contained in endings - but not let those harden our hearts or affect our ability to trust people and the Universe moving forward. A short paragraph in the New Testament, in which Jesus bids his friends farewell, is revealing.
Read MoreCourage to Be
Courage is a virtue - but some of us are wary of being exhorted to adopt it. If a person or group with power over us pressurises us to ‘be brave’ it can suggest to us that we need to do or be more than we are; or should adopt agenda we do not instinctively share. Today’s reflection invites us to spend some time with scripture and with ourselves, to discern where good or godly courage fits into our lives.
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