Labels about belief can be divisive. If we think there there are only two answers to the ‘Are you religious?’ question - and that one is correct - then ‘secular’ and ‘sacred’ are pitted against one another and conversion is a loaded word. In our culture, any change of heart might be scoffed at - politicans making ‘u-turns’ are usually derided. This reflection recommends a different perspective.
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Wisdom is associated with changes of heart in today’s bible readings selected by the Anglican church. Most of us want to be wise ….. but few find it easy to admit we have changed our mind; that we have turned around. Making space for ourselves and for others to do this without shame requires work … but could it be the best way to embrace Wisdom?
Wisdom is personified in the reading from the Hebrew Proverbs. She is a woman we are free to seek, find, follow and embrace:
“... all [Wisdom’s] paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her ...”
Perhaps there is, in reality, someone in your life who is like this for you. What prevents you getting closer to them?
Spend some time imagining you are walking along a road and Wisdom appears. What happens next?
Photo by Hugues de BUYER-MIMEURE on Unsplash
Psalm 119 is a long Sacred Song about the love of God’s law. In todays’ section, the lyricist says finding the Divine word required him to admit he had been wrong:
“Before I was humbled I went astray,
- but now I keep your word.”
Does finding the Truth require us to be humiliated? Can you see the good in that?
It is very difficult for human beings to relinquish their sense of being in the right.
Many harmful acts arise from fear of humiliation. What practices do you adopt to help you embrace changes of heart and encourage them in others? Daily meditation or silent prayer are helpful tools: Headspace or Centering Prayer have apps that you might enjoy.
A third reading is from the Gospel according to Matthew, in which one man leaves his entire life behind to go with Jesus and others are roundly condemned for wanting things to remain just as they are.
“I have come to call not the righteous but sinners”
Setting aside the piles of baggage attached to words like ‘sinner’, and ‘righteous’, consider what Jesus words have to say to you, in practice. Is he defending you before the Pharisees? Is he condemning your insistence on maintaining control? Or both? Or something entirely different?
It may be that only an encounter with the 'Real Presence', God or a surrounding love that holds, empowers and allows us to see accurately can facilitate the genuine Conversion, to which we are all called.
There is something supernatural about it, something we seek but cannot force to happen.
As we look out for Wisdom on our path, we may well have an encounter that invites us to change direction. It will look different for each of us. We will be free to choose.
If you wish, listen to the great old Christian hymn And Can it Be while you contemplate these things: