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The Real You is Fine

It is so easy to be anxious and project it outwards. Today’s reflection is inspired by Christian scripture that reminds us it is our birthright to be content with who we are and so project joy, instead.

In different ways, the three readings recommended today are expressions of joy, spontaneity and compassionate creation.

If you like, spend some time in stillness and quiet, noticing the ways anxiety and grasping may have dulled your joy. If you are in a good place, simply enjoy that feeling for a while.

Thanks to Pikrepo!

Joyfulness and spontaneity in our created nature as human beings is a theme that runs through all of today’s readings.

(If you’d like to read all three, they are from Paul’s first letter to the new church in Corinth, the 100th Psalm and Luke’s account of a spontaneous healing by Jesus.)

St Paul exhorts his readers to celebrate the unique nature and gifts of every person, remembering their need for one another and accepting their own essential weaknesses and strengths. A common source of anxiety is about not being enough, getting overwhelmed by the demands of others, feeling threatened by those different to ourselves.

Has there been a time this week that you have unwittingly reacted to perceived inadequacy in yourself or others? Reflect on it, for a while


The Psalm is one of praise. The songwriter captures the idea that our first calling, as a created beings, is to simply exist as we are. Doing that, we delight the Creator. In our very being, we are an offering of praise.

How easy is it for you to feel you are a source of delight? What tools, relationships or activities help you?


Luke’s story is another example of the spontaneous, compassionate way Jesus lived. (It is worth reading all of Chapter 7 to see more of that in evidence). He was not burdened by expectations or worry: this enabled him to respond, contribute, heal things in the world.

If we are anxious about avoiding error and finding approval, it is a sign we have forgotten we are loved. We then miss opportunities to be our own gift to the world. Is this relevant to you, today?


How much anxiety do you see around you each week? In headlines; conversations at work, with family, at the school gate or in church; in the way decision-making is done? If you like, think of one way you can help another person to feel loved, safe and less inclined to fearful behaviour or language.

Useful resources

This lovely song by the Felice Brothers is about love, joyful giving, solidarity … and the title may remind you of your Communion practice if you are a Christian! Enjoy it if you have 5 minutes.

Space to Breathe put out weekly meditations to help us ground ourselves in the midst of worldly tumult. Try this week’s on the theme of Inner Strength if you have 15 minutes.

Rob Bell’s latest Robcast is themed The Infinite and Indestructible You and helped shape this reflection. It is an hour and well worth a listen but if you prefer, just spend some time sitting with this quote:

The me who needed their approval was crucified

We close with a prayer by Walter Brueggemann from the book Prayers for a Privileged People. Have a joyful week!

Old Stories Become New Songs

We love to tell the old, old story.

We love to sing the old, old song

of your saving deeds of mercy and

freedom and

healing and


We know about Exodus freedom

and dancing tambourines.

We know about land and huge clusters of grapes.

We know about rivers of water and

rivers of oil.

We know about the strangeness that

the blind see,

the lame walk,

the lepers are cleansed,

the dead are raised,

the poor rejoice.

We know. Give us courage to

trust what we know and to

obey what we hope.

We know that the old, old story - in our telling - becomes

a new, dangerous, transforming song. And so we sing!
