
Updates from Whirlow

Speaking Out and Being Heard

The Church of England has a lectionary of daily readings that often inspire this blog’s Reflections. Recently, a chapter focused on female leadership was omitted from the chronological order. Why did this happen - and what do we have to learn from it?

Thanks to Maria Krisanova for sharing their work on Unsplash.

In listed readings for the daily service of Morning Prayer, Chapter 24 of 1st Samuel was listed on 17 August and Chapter 26 on the 18th. Read the missing Chapter 25 to see what was left out.

The lectionary does on occasion miss chapters or sections. But this chapter includes the longest monologue spoken by a woman in the Hebrew Bible. Of the verses omitted from the yearly set-readings, a high proportion include women’s words.

Abigail, the hero of our chapter, is wise and ingenious as she deals with conflict, violence and drunkenness. She takes the lead to sort out a mess catastrophic for her family and wider household. Her leadership restores honour, dignity and works to maintain peace.

It was not her place or role to act in such a way. She was not the designated leader. But the situation required her leadership: she knew what to do and carried it out well.


Which voices do you choose to listen to?

Which voices do you choose to remember?


Which ‘Abigails’ have impressed you? Which may you have failed to notice?

Two weeks ago, teenagers called for justice amidst the exam results fiasco. The campaigning and protesting was heard, shared and became a voice that could not be discounted.

The mess was not their fault. Nor was it their role or responsibility to sort it out - but they stepped up and demanded solutions.

We each have a voice, the ability to listen and remember what is said, whoever is saying it.

We may be called to speak out. We may be called to support those taking a lead. We may be called to lend our power and voice to that unlikely person equipped for a partiular moment of crisis.

Thanks to Clem Onojeghuo for sharing their work on Unsplash.

Thanks to Clem Onojeghuo for sharing their work on Unsplash.


God of wisdom,

the stories of your people

show us that you equip unlikely leaders.

God of love,

the stories of your people

show us that you oppose the proud

and lift up the humble.

God of power,

shape us to follow

the ways of your kingdom.
