
Updates from Whirlow

Easter Day Reflection

Resurrection Hope

Christ is Risen!

He is Risen Indeed!


Thanks to Pixabay!

Good morning and Happy Easter!

You may like to read aloud The Exultet.

Today, we reflect on the account of Jesus’ resurrection as told by gospel writer Matthew.

(If you wish, look at the resurrection as described by the other three gospel writers.)

We live in a time of fear: fear of disease; fear of financial ruin; fear of loneliness.

Even the Easter resurrection stories are full of fear …

Resurrection was not, and is not, about fairy tale endings, living happily ever after. Rather, God begins something wonderfully new; something beyond the possible, or imaginable. And God does this through the pain and doubt and fear.

Surprise is at the heart of resurrection. God’s re-creative mystery cannot be controlled or understood, it cannot be hemmed in, or confined. Love breaks through, breaks open and leads to new life, new possibilities. 

How will God’s love come to us this Easter?

Are we willing to be surprised by something unexpected?

May the risen Christ come to us in our fear. May he reassure us of his presence, even in the darkness.

May we hear his voice calling us by name, leading us to a different future.

Christ is Risen….                                             

Adapted from Sheffield Methodist Circuit pastoral letter

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