
Updates from Whirlow

As Advent Wraps Up....

Rather than a reflection, this week before Christmas we offer you Tim Watson’s Morning Prayer for those Socially Distancing or in Isolation, which is below.

It can be used at your leisure - along with more great resources by Tim and others, downloadable from arts label Proost.

We also commend to you our Advent exhibition of Sheffield photos and poetry from Adrian Scott.

Prologue to a Traipsing, by Adrian Scott


Opening Prayer

Creator God,

I hold before you the day that lies ahead:

The hours that stretch out before me

I hold before you my heart

Help me to find space for you and the things that uplift

I hold before you my mind

Help me to find both stimulation and rest when they are needed

I hold before you my body

Help me to stay healthy and find a balance of activity in the hours ahead

In the midst of it all, you Lord are present


Stepping Into Silence

In the silence I wait on you Lord, knowing that you are near

silence is kept


In the silence I wait on you Lord, knowing that you care

silence is kept


In the silence I wait on you Lord, knowing that I can trust in you

silence is kept


You may like to read a sacred text or poem. Suggested bible readings are from 1 Samuel, Psalm 113 and the Magnificat, Mary’s famous song from early in the gospel according to Luke.

Prayers for Others

Wonderful God,

I hold before you all those who I would have seen today




Make yourself known to them

Help me to serve them from a distance

Help me to hope for them from a distance

Help me to love them from a distance


Closing Prayer

Wonderful God,

You know my every breath

And the beat of my heart

You know my delights

And you know me

Draw near to me this day
