
Updates from Whirlow

Anna Potts appointed as Events Co-ordinator

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Anna Potts as our Events Co-ordinator from Monday June 5th. Anna comes with much experience in events management. Anna writes:

"Hi! I'm Anna.

I live with my family in north Sheffield. I've been a stay-at-home mum of twins for the last few years with a background working in local journalism, events management and community development. This work has often been done with churches and Christian organisations. 

I'm very interested in Christian spirituality and was delighted to see this role advertised. It will be great to join you all!

In other news, I play the 'cello and write a blog .... as often as the toddlers and my penchant for relaxation allow!"

Welcome, Anna, we look forward to getting to know you and working with you.