
Nick Helm is an Anglican priest with over 30 years of ministerial experience in the Dioceses of London, Sheffield and Hereford. 

Current Role

I am Advisor in Spirituality in the Diocese of Hereford, a non-stipendiary priest in a group of parishes around Ludlow, and freelancing in the areas of spiritual and ministerial development. 

Previous Roles & Responsibilities

I have been a parish priest in London and Sheffield and then Bishop of Sheffield’s Advisor in Spirituality for 10 years. I moved to  the Hereford Diocese where I was responsible for Continuing Ministerial Development and Ministerial Development Reviews and spirituality. More recently I took on oversight of Curate Training as well. I left this employed role to go freelance at the end of 2019. 

I am passionate about enabling people to dance their dream, God’s dream. I do this through one to one work of spiritual direction and ministry coaching. I’ve been particularly helped by the wisdom of Ignatian Spirituality, continually finding it helps my engagement with the deepest realities of life and how I choose  and live.  

The key values that I seek to live from are love, commitment, integrity and compassion.

I know these are a gift of grace and continually desire to be open to grace touching me and enabling grace to touch others.