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Holy Tuesday Reflection

The Anointing

Today, we invite you to reflect on gospel writer Mark’s account about the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet, in advance of his betrayal by Judas. (Earlier this week we have looked at the entry into Jerusalem and the cleansing of the Temple.)

This is a beautiful moment of love and joy in the dark week of Jesus’ suffering and death.

You may want to start your time of reflection listening to Come Close - ℗ 2019, One Hope Project.

Then, read Mark’s account.

If you wish, go deeper by reading all the Christian Scriptures relating to this story - or perhaps enter into it imaginatively.

In Mark’s gospel, the incident about the expensive perfume is sandwiched between 1) the plots of the priestly party and 2) the treachery of Judas. Judas agrees to betray Jesus for thirty silver coins, in contrast with this woman who lavishes on him perfume worth more than a year’s wages.

The setting and details vary in the accounts by different biblical writers - but the essence is the same: a spontaneous, exuberant, extravagant gift offered to Jesus. Here is great intimacy, breaking all convention and norms of social behaviour. It is too intimate for some, who find it provocative, uncomfortable, outrageous. 

The woman gave of her best to Jesus, without counting the cost: she lavished her love. 

And, as she broke and poured out her alabaster jar, Jesus accepted her gift:

“She has done a beautiful thing”.

He made it clear that her act had even greater significance than she could have imagined:

“She has anointed me for my burial.”

This is a reference to Jesus’ imminent death, which fast approaches.

After the anointing, ‘the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume’ .

  • Take some fragrant lotion and rub it slowly into your hands.

  • Recall or physically locate and smell the different fragrances of your environment. Associate these with your offering of love and worship

  • How may you, in your situation, with your personality, be like this woman? Her life had been deeply touched by Jesus and she wanted to do something precious for him. Is this true for you?

  • Speak to Jesus, as you would a close friend, about all that has come to mind.

She has done what she could.

What is mine to do?

Thank you for your presence. We offer I Will Give What I Have, a poem, and Beautiful One - ℗ 2006 Ruth Fazal - to close this reflection.