As we approach midsummer and longer hours of daylight, life can seem lighter, easier and warmer. Amidst the lushness of nature, all is green and growing. This Whirlow reflection ponders on how our Faith in the goodness of the world might be strengthened at this time.
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We cannot disentangle biblical texts from our assumptions as readers, made within our social context. A deeply entrenched view today might be that Christian faith requires an attitude of self-loathing and judgementalism - particularly impossible to escape when reading ‘fiery’ excerpts. In today’s Whirlow blog, we consider a Psalm, a passage from James’ letter and a reflection on climate change - invitations to approach things differently.
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How do we protect ourselves from anxiety and destructive thinking in these upsetting times? Today’s reflection considers two historic women and that great female teacher, Mother Nature, who might guide us on our way.
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