
Updates from Whirlow

For All Who Are Far Away – A Promise

This Easter week, our Whirlow blog reflects on the radical promise made to those first converts to Christianity at Pentecost – the gift of the Holy Spirit. This gift was promised not only to them, but to ‘all who are far away’. We reflect on how we might carry this promised Spirit to the many who are suffering in our world today; and on how we might carry it within our own hearts. We are invited to respond…

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Gentle rain from heaven – mercy in our modern world

Mercy is a word we rarely see or hear in popular culture or use in our day-to-day conversations. In this Whirlow blog, we look at a story by the Apostle Matthew and wonder what it has to say to us about the importance of mercy in our modern world – especially in this time of Lent. We are invited to respond.

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Grappling with scarcity - a difficult story from Mark's gospel

In this Whirlow blog, we look at a story by the Apostle Mark and wonder what it has to say to us; about this Jesus’ who called himself the Bread of Life - and yet had a limited amount of time and energy. We are invited to respond.

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Safety Nets - Old Habits - New Opportunities: Jesus' invitation to the fishermen.

What associations come to mind when you hear the word net?

Fish? Safety? A trap? A great goal? Net worth? The world wide web? …

Today’s reflection is inspired by a reading that features fishing nets. We invite you to use them as a symbol; let them represent whatever best fits.

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Readiness is All - facing the winter, the future and eternity with Jesus

Certainty is an addiction for many of us. As British Summer Time wanes, we note the rhythmic cycle of the seasons that is not ours to control. (We try to manage it by adjusting our clocks!) There is tension between anticipated candle-lit cosiness and winter’s potentially chaotic offerings of weather and viruses. In today’s bible story, Jesus talks about being ready for the unexpected as it were a responsibility. What do his words have to offer you?

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Lifechanging Gestures - the Outstretched Hands of Moses and Jesus

Emotions run high as we relax pandemic rules. How do you feel? Perhaps you long for a hand of reassurance on your shoulder. Perhaps you long to comfort others. Today we remember the outstretched arms of two legendary bible characters, which pointed to open spaces just when life was closing in.

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Taken (where) by Surprise?

Are you afraid of challenge? Are there situations in which you anticipate it? How do you feel when someone puts you on the spot? Today’s reflection considers how Jesus responded in just such a moment - and wonders how we might try to apply such wisdom in our conversations.

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Called to Hope

The first week of Eastertide: Christians celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. Sorrow and desolation at a brutal crucifixion are replaced with hope and joy. An inextinguishable light of love breaks through the darkness, reaching out to each of us personally, eternally, regardless of our history or circumstances. In this reflection we ask, what is the hope I am offered?

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