
Updates from Whirlow

For All Who Are Far Away – A Promise

This Easter week, our Whirlow blog reflects on the radical promise made to those first converts to Christianity at Pentecost – the gift of the Holy Spirit. This gift was promised not only to them, but to ‘all who are far away’. We reflect on how we might carry this promised Spirit to the many who are suffering in our world today; and on how we might carry it within our own hearts. We are invited to respond…

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Practicing and preaching – weighing the difference in our hearts

As we move further into the season of Lent, we try to make space in our hearts for the grace of humility. In this Whirlow blog we look at what Jesus says in Matthew’s Gospel about the orientation of our hearts; about our human tendency to point the finger at others instead of looking in the mirror – and how we are called to balance our words with our deeds.

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