November is a month of grey days, misty rain, and shortened darker days. Seemingly a month where colours are grey and dull. However, like the sudden appearance of a rainbow, there can be times of rainbow moments, a burst of colour, and memories which stay with us. For this Whirlow blog, I would like us to think of times when images surprised us, made us stop and think, maybe even changed us.
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The cycle of nature turns once more to Autumn. For some, a favourite season of vibrant colour and warming spices; to others a time of trepidation and fear as the cost of living and heating their homes rises. For this feast day of St Francis of Assisi, the Whirlow blog reflects on our shared kinship with each other, and with the cosmos, inviting us to follow the example of St Francis in becoming buds of hope beyond the leaf fall.
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As summer once more gives way to autumn, our daily routines can bring frustration as well as comfort. This Whirlow guest blog by textile artist Karen Herrick considers the different ways God might be calling us to ‘press on’ through the ‘creases’ in our lives – or inviting us to simply ‘take hold’ whilst he lovingly transforms our wrinkles, preparing us for what lies ahead. We are invited to respond.
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Summer reading is a popular way to relax during the holiday season – at home in the garden, away in the countryside or sitting on the beach. Some access their reading through modern technology, others prefer to turn the pages of a real book. This Whirlow blog considers the different ways God might be speaking to us through His written Word, and the words he may be calling us to write in the living books of our lives. We are invited to respond.
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The cusp of midsummer: a time when many who live, work or study in cities and towns look forward to taking time out from their usual daily routines to enjoy a change of scenery, make new memories, gain fresh perspectives. This Whirlow blog considers urgent new perspectives waiting to be experienced through our imagination and other senses, how these may enable us to see Jesus more clearly, draw closer to him and labour in his harvest.
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As we approach midsummer and longer hours of daylight, life can seem lighter, easier and warmer. Amidst the lushness of nature, all is green and growing. This Whirlow reflection ponders on how our Faith in the goodness of the world might be strengthened at this time.
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We understand the meaning of the phrase ‘when the penny drops’ as being a moment of sudden realisation – a new way of seeing. Our latest Whirlow blog reflects on a story from the apostle John, on how we might see Christ and understand his call to love others in our day to day lives.
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Many books have been written to encourage reflections during Advent and Lent, but few to guide us during Eastertide – this period between Easter and Pentecost. Our latest Whirlow blog wonders how we might celebrate this time, encouraging one another to become ‘living books’ of gratitude.
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This Easter week, our Whirlow blog reflects on the radical promise made to those first converts to Christianity at Pentecost – the gift of the Holy Spirit. This gift was promised not only to them, but to ‘all who are far away’. We reflect on how we might carry this promised Spirit to the many who are suffering in our world today; and on how we might carry it within our own hearts. We are invited to respond…
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Whatever our age, we have a need for our questions to be answered – but do we always listen to the answers we are given? In this reflection, we wonder what the Apostle John might be saying to us about this Jesus who listens and answers even ‘the question behind the question’.
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Water symbolises refreshment and healing; ‘waters’, on the other hand, can bring to mind not only flowing rivers, but devastating waves. In this Whirlow blog we look at three water-themed bible passages and wonder what they have to say to us as tumult rages in our world. We are invited to respond.
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As we move further into the season of Lent, we try to make space in our hearts for the grace of humility. In this Whirlow blog we look at what Jesus says in Matthew’s Gospel about the orientation of our hearts; about our human tendency to point the finger at others instead of looking in the mirror – and how we are called to balance our words with our deeds.
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We cannot disentangle biblical texts from our assumptions as readers, made within our social context. A deeply entrenched view today might be that Christian faith requires an attitude of self-loathing and judgementalism - particularly impossible to escape when reading ‘fiery’ excerpts. In today’s Whirlow blog, we consider a Psalm, a passage from James’ letter and a reflection on climate change - invitations to approach things differently.
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In this Whirlow blog, we look at a story by the Apostle Mark and wonder what it has to say to us; about this Jesus’ who called himself the Bread of Life - and yet had a limited amount of time and energy. We are invited to respond.
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Jesus the Christ exercised power differently. He was a person who chose to become like others, rather than insisting on holding territory; who refused to instruct or ‘save’ by exerting will or using charisma; who chose humiliation and death over winning control. Radical. In this reflection, we wonder what the writer of Hebrews might be saying about Christ, power and our own vocation.
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Poetry, faith and imagination can all help us time travel - or capture within our experience moments outside the present. This Whirlow Spirituality Centre blog opens up such ideas, which may be helpful when things are tough or wearisome - a common trial for many in January!
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Two Biblical women celebrating a pregnancy inspire today’s Whirlow blog, which looks for good news, reasons to be joyful and connect at the start of 2022.
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2021 is drawing to a close. As it ends, many will give a sigh of relief. Others will sigh for sadness - even remorse - as a year can end with tinges of regret and of loss. Some will look upon the dawn of a new year optimistically, with a sense of anticipation or even excitement. Where do you find yourself?
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December is - among many other things! - spiritual literacy month. It invites us to read one book on spirituality, believing in something bigger than ourselves. Strangely, this can be empowering. Knowledge of a truly spiritual kind is not a way to gain power over a subject, but rather a way of radical empathy with the Other. A way that honours the vulnerability of creation. Today’s blog explores these ideas.
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Since the height of the summer season, we have been heading in one direction: to the deepest, darkest, coldest moments of winter. This week, we arrive. The summer sun has long since set and here we are at the Winter Solstice. Today, we invite you to ask what that brings up, for you.
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