
Updates from Whirlow

Spiritual 'knowledge' - or Christianity's power in vulnerability.

December is - among many other things! - spiritual literacy month. It invites us to read one book on spirituality, believing in something bigger than ourselves. Strangely, this can be empowering. Knowledge of a truly spiritual kind is not a way to gain power over a subject, but rather a way of radical empathy with the Other. A way that honours the vulnerability of creation. Today’s blog explores these ideas.

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Courage to Be

Courage is a virtue - but some of us are wary of being exhorted to adopt it. If a person or group with power over us pressurises us to ‘be brave’ it can suggest to us that we need to do or be more than we are; or should adopt agenda we do not instinctively share. Today’s reflection invites us to spend some time with scripture and with ourselves, to discern where good or godly courage fits into our lives.

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