
Updates from Whirlow

Christ's Radical Power - get collaborative, not competitive

Jesus the Christ exercised power differently. He was a person who chose to become like others, rather than insisting on holding territory; who refused to instruct or ‘save’ by exerting will or using charisma; who chose humiliation and death over winning control. Radical. In this reflection, we wonder what the writer of Hebrews might be saying about Christ, power and our own vocation.

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Spiritual 'knowledge' - or Christianity's power in vulnerability.

December is - among many other things! - spiritual literacy month. It invites us to read one book on spirituality, believing in something bigger than ourselves. Strangely, this can be empowering. Knowledge of a truly spiritual kind is not a way to gain power over a subject, but rather a way of radical empathy with the Other. A way that honours the vulnerability of creation. Today’s blog explores these ideas.

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