Jesus the Christ exercised power differently. He was a person who chose to become like others, rather than insisting on holding territory; who refused to instruct or ‘save’ by exerting will or using charisma; who chose humiliation and death over winning control. Radical. In this reflection, we wonder what the writer of Hebrews might be saying about Christ, power and our own vocation.
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Updates from Whirlow
Winter Solstice: A Meditation
Since the height of the summer season, we have been heading in one direction: to the deepest, darkest, coldest moments of winter. This week, we arrive. The summer sun has long since set and here we are at the Winter Solstice. Today, we invite you to ask what that brings up, for you.
Read MoreTaken (where) by Surprise?
Are you afraid of challenge? Are there situations in which you anticipate it? How do you feel when someone puts you on the spot? Today’s reflection considers how Jesus responded in just such a moment - and wonders how we might try to apply such wisdom in our conversations.
Read MoreMaking Space to Recover
Power Games
As we approach Holy Week, there is a sense of irresistible, looming darkness in the Gospel chapters. What do Jesus’ responses to his situation teach us?
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