
Updates from Whirlow

Finding Rest for the Weary

Exhortations to ‘keep calm’, ‘take care’ or just to rest are all around us. They sound so simple and inviting. But this, too, requires commitment. We invite you to give yourself the gift of taking a step towards - rather than reaching - these elusive places of calm, self-care or rest.

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Shelter from the Storm

What storms are you aware of at the moment? What emotional, physical or societal bombardments might be affecting you or others you hold dear? Today’s reflection dwells on one of the bible’s sacred songs and wonders what we do when feeling overwhelmed.

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Uproar..... Stillness.

During this past year, much of the news we have received is about chaos, violence and struggle.

And … there have been images of quiet city centres and motorways; of people enjoying a spacious walk.It has been a time of contrasts.

A sacred song from the Hebrew bible mirrors those and, along with a poem by D.H. Lawrence, gives us food for thought.

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